Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rules Against Perpetuity

perpetuity (uncountable)

  1. The quality or state of being perpetual; endless
    duration; uninterrupted
  2. Something that is perpetual.
  3. (law) A limitation intended to be unalterable and of indefinite
    duration; a disposition of property which attempts to make it inalienable beyond certain limits fixed or conceived as being fixed by the general law.

Bar prep is wholly an unexciting event. There is something gratifying in cramming such a superfluous amount of legal jargon into your head in a 10 week period so that you can regurgitate it for a meager 2 day event.

Ok- I lied. This seems like eternity…and it's only Wednesday…or at least I think it still is… 41 days to go.

Can someone send me a pair of blunt knitting needles so I cannot harm myself?

I mean….seriously…? Who thought of this?

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